Tuesday, October 2, 2012

On the one hand this... and on the other hand that...

So, over here on the Daily Beast, we have Michael Tomasky getting a little ahead of himself and contemplating the now-not-totally-impossible scenario of an Obama landslide. It strikes me as a little overly fanciful - in addition to the GOP collapsing into a frothing mess of internal strife, he predicts an end to gridlock as the weary populace rises up and tells congress 'Okay, come on, guys, you went hard at him for four years, gave him your best shot, and he kicked your asses in a royal way. Now grow up,' and congress, naturally, complies.

Ummmm... OK.

So back over here on 538, noted hater of kittens and killer of unicorns Nate Silver examines the also not-totally-impossible scenario of an Electoral College dead heat.

Jesus, if THAT doesn't chill your blood, I don't know what will.

I mean, only 12 years ago we had an election decided by the Supreme Court, and given how tightly things are divided right now, it seems likely that it's only a matter of time before this actually DOES happen.

I tell you what, though, fuck the "liberal media conspiracy" - if this actually DOES go down, you'll see every media outlet from Fox News to Mother Jones simultaneously cream themselves. Sure, Brian Williams will be up there talking about what a great lesson this is in our great Constitution, but you'll have everyone else losing their fucking minds.

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