Tuesday, September 25, 2012

"Because it makes a better headline than '5 dipshits change their minds', that's why."

Here, read the first few paragraphs, quick:

Mitt Romney's '47%' comment alienated undecided voters - latimes.com:

Seriously. You have to be be fucking kidding me.

And the the LA Times calls themselves a news organization. I mean -- what the fuck -- 9 people? That's all they could find? In ALL of LA? It's like they walked down to the bathroom and reported on the 9 guys they saw in the hall on the way there. If you're going to try to tell me the LA Times didn't have the resources to find more undecided voters than that, then it says one of two things.

1.  There really ARE no undecided voters left. There might be a few people with their heads so far up their asses that not only do they they not realize it's an election year, but they're not even sure what an election IS, or...

2. The LA Times is about to file for bankruptcy, because they've clearly replaced their reporters with their janitorial staff.

But wait, it gets better -- these are voters from ACROSS THE NATION. Yes, a Subway manager from Indiana, a dog-groomer (from who knows where), and a teacher from Michigan. This quote from "software company employee Tim, though, summed it up:

“It made me think of how the world looked at George W. Bush as a buckaroo — shoot first and ask questions later,” Tim said. “My gosh. Comments like that don’t help and they reveal the character of a person.”

My gosh. A buckaroo?

Jesus Fucking Christ.

If I was the LA Times, I would throw myself out of a window.

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