Friday, September 21, 2012

The Daily Beast: Barack Obama Is The Luckiest Politician Alive

I must say, this didn't actually occur to me until I read this article in the Daily Beast, but once they point it out I have to say that, yes, Obama is damn lucky. Let's review:

1. The 2004 Illinois Senate Race -- Prior to his star turn at the DNC, mind you, Obama FIRST faces Jack Ryan (not actually mentioned in the article) whose candidacy self-destructs in an orgiastic, smut-filled explosion when it's revealed he tried to get ex-wife 7 of 9 to bang him onstage in sex clubs (yes, clubs, plural). Ryan is shooed off the stage and replaced -- not by the second place primary finisher, but by Alan "Mr. Mosh Pit" Keyes, whose head-trauma-level craziness inspired Richard Pryor to say "now THAT guy's crazy."

2. The 2008 Presidential Race -- He squares off against Hilary Clinton in The Longest Primary Ever, where he opens the show by beating her like a drum in Iowa. He didn't walk away with this one the way he did in Illinois, but it still seemed like a stunning upset. In comparison, the actual election almost seemed like a non-event (enlivened at the end by Conservative America's sweetheart, Caribou Barbie). But through it all, he never lost his cool, recovered from stumbles like a seasoned pro (God 'n' Guns, Jeremiah Wright).

3. An now this, facing off against, as Latimer puts it, "the guy who lost to the loser last time."

"Maybe the “birthers” have a point after all," Latimer concludes. "Obama obviously wasn’t born in America; he was born on Fantasy Island, under a rainbow, in a pot of gold, serenaded by unicorns."

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